The Smoking Tire
The Smoking Tire by Zack Klapman, Matt Farah: NSX up; Ferrari Mystery Leak; Goodwood FOS; C6 Parts list

The Smoking Tire
The Smoking Tire by Zack Klapman, Matt Farah: NSX up; Ferrari Mystery Leak; Goodwood FOS; C6 Parts list
Twitter is broken; Matt's NSX suddenly increased in value; we discuss the problems and opportunities for the NCAS charging standard (and make some corrections); a mystery leak from the Ferrari; our upcoming Goodwood trip; and the C6 parts list.
Questions we answer include: what irresponsible car to buy; our favorite-sounding cars from cylinders 4-12; why HREs cost more than VOLKS; cars that were good to drive but forgettable; what to do with a Miata; and more.
Recorded July 2, 2023
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